
Firstly, I want to thank everyone for giving me such an enjoyable and memorable birthday at Lone Pine and Darra. I would also like to thank Xin Lan and Fengzhi for SMSing me wishing me happy birthday. :D
Most of all, I would like to thank my girl, Gil for organising everything and even planning for a surprise birthday party at the Bridge club. Thank you. <3
My birthday started off with all of us heading down to the Lone Pine sanctuary where it is home to the most number of koalas in captivity. Having gone there twice when I first visited Australia and Brisbane 10 years ago, that place was full of many fond memories of me hugging the kangaroos and koalas.
Funny thing was, as with one of my friends, Fibby said, "十年前是和你家人去。十年后就和你potential 家人去。" That did make a laugh out of me.
After ten years, Lone Pine has not changed one bit. Other than the picture taking area going digital (it used to be Polaroid), everything else was still the same. The koalas, the emus, the kangaroos sitting under the tree because the weather was insanely hot (It was over 30 degrees that day). Nothing has changed.
After watching a birds of prey show (No falcons though. But then again, Falcons don't usually reside in Aussie/QLD) where we watched owls and eagles flying around, we headed straight to the kangaroo roaming area where we are allowed to feed the kangaroos.
The kangaroos here are pretty funny creatures. If you feed one of them, a few more will hop over and smack you to ask for food. However, the grey kangaroos can't really be bothered with you as they continue to sleep under the shade.
Lazy creatures.
After a few pictures with the Koalas, we went to Eric's house for a game or two of Mahjong because the sushi bar I wanted to go was fully booked. Not my fault if they loses my business, so we decided to head down to Darra for seafood instead. Seafood in Australia is very rare because of Aussie's love for fillets (Most supermarkets sell only fillets because they are the only thing which sells well. A whole fish generally does not sell too well. I know. I've worked in the seafood department). Moreover, the fish there was fairly cheap as compared to what you can get in other places such as Chinatown (Cheating tourists' money) and Sunnybank (Chinatown V2). We had a lot to eat and by time the night was over, everyone was happy and full.
So, home we went, since Gil and I got work the very next day at 6am.
Ah well.
Just one day.
But hey, it was a fun day :D
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